Saturday, January 7, 2012

Goal: Read 50 Books This Year

I've made it one of my goals this year to read 50 books, which comes to approximately one a week. In a good month, I can do this no problem. But knowing how I go in spurts and droughts, the task before me still seems a little daunting. But I keep accumulating more books than I read. I have at least 50 already on my shelf, not including the ones I'm bound to pick up this year. So, I need to get them moving off of there, and what better way to do it than to set a goal? This is not a New Year's Resolution, by the way. I've learned through Taekwondo, of all places, that goals are better than resolutions, particularly if you keep them S.M.A.R.T. Specific. Motivating. Achievable. Relevant. Trackable.

So, here I come, 2012. One week done. One book read. (Review to follow this post.) Forty-nine books to go!

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